Choose the right plan for your business needs.


For suppliers within the value chain who are required by their partners to submit data through Verde 365.

Exchange Carbon
Footprint Data
Educational Videos & Documentation
Get in touch

Carbon Footprint Accounting Suite

For companies that need a detailed carbon accounting statement.

Exchange Carbon
Footprint Data
Scope 1, 2, 3 Emissions Calculator
Scope 3 Supplier Engagement
Product Carbon Footprint (PCF)
Support & Education
Educational Videos & Documentation
Get in touch

CSRD & ESRS Compliance Suite

For enterprises that require not only complete carbon accounting but also extensive support for CSRD reporting.

Exchange Carbon
Footprint Data
Scope 1, 2, 3 Emissions Calculator
Scope 3 Supplier Engagement
Product Carbon Footprint (PCF)
Support & Education
Double Materiality Assessment (DMA) Assistant
CSRD Reporting Tool
Educational Videos & Documentation
Get in touch


Carbon Footprint Accounting Suite

CSRD & ESRS Compliance Suite

Exchange Carbon
Footprint Data

Carbon Footprint Data Exchange AI

Share corporate and product CO2 emissions data across your upstream and downstream value chain. Connected to extensive emission factors databases, suggests industry averages and assists you with estimates based on identifying similar company profiles.

Carbon Footprint

Scope 1, 2, 3 Emissions

Automated  Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions calculations. Scope 1 emissions are direct greenhouse (GHG) emissions that occur from sources that are controlled or owned by the organization. Scope 2 emissions are indirect GHG emissions associated with the purchase of electricity, steam, heat, or cooling, while Scope 3 encompasses emissions that are not produced by the company itself and are not the result of activities from assets owned or controlled by them, but by those that it's indirectly responsible for up and down its value chain.

Scope 3 Supplier Engagement

Get better data by engaging suppliers. Send automatic requests to share their footprint information, follow up with automatic reminders. Get reports about suppliers' compliance status.

Product Carbon FootprintAI

Calculate carbon footprint for each product of your lineup. At scale.

Carbon Accounting Statement & Insights

Dashboards with analyitical view of Corporate Carbon Footprint by Scope and category, as well as Product Carbon Footprint offering deep insights to form carbon management strategy.



Double Materiality Assessment (DMA) Assistant

Effortlessly manage the entire DMA process with our intuitive tool, designed for maximum stakeholder engagement.

Data Collection Hub

Collect all required data within the company and outside.

CSRD Reporting Tool

Streamlines the reporting process workflows. Concluding with a one-click report generator, that produces reports in multiple formats, including iXBRL (as required by CSRD), PDF, and Word.

CSRD Compliance Roadmap

Visualize progress and quickly identify critical points on your CSRD compliance journey.


Emission Reduction

Target-setting (SBTi) and Decarbonization Journey Planning

Set decarbonization targets in line with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) to ensure a scientifically grounded journey.

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Scenario Anaysis Digital Twin

Simulations for understanding potential emission reductions from undertaking specific actions.

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Decarbonization Data Visualization Dashboards

Dashboards for understanding the decarbonization journey, showcasing progress and highlighting potential for further emission reductions.

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Verde365 Decarbonization InsightsAI

Actionable decarbonization insights powered by Verde365's advanced AI technology.

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Support & Education

Educational Videos & Documentation

Gain access to essential insights on sustainability, ESG, and CSRD Compliance, enhancing your knowledge base.

Assurance AssistantAI

Audit data accuracy, possible anomalies and completeness with the help of AI.

Assurance Network

Database of assurance experts at your disposal.

Verde 365 Onboarding Support

Onboard with confidence, backed by our support every step of the way.

Verde365 AI ESG ConsultantAI

AI consultant support throughout the whole ESG journey.

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Integration Services

Verde365 API REST Integration Services

API integration facilitates bidirectional data exchange (sending and receiving), simplifying connectivity.

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On demand
Custom Integration Services

Custom-made integration solutions, based on your unique integration requirements.

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Number of Users


Consulting Services

ESG Consulting Package STANDARD 50 hours

Tailored 50-hour consulting package, featuring senior ESG experts and industry-specific specialists, dedicated to your success.

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On demand
On demand
ESG Consulting Package PRO 100 hours

Tailored 100-hour consulting package, featuring senior ESG experts and industry-specific specialists, dedicated to your success.

On demand
On demand
On demand
ESG Consulting Package DMA

Get through Double Materiality Assessment with the guidance of an expert consultant.

On demand
On demand
On demand