Privacy Policy

Last updated: Mar 10, 2024

Protection of Personal and Business Data regulates the collection, storage, and processing of Personal and Business Data collected by Verde365, when you wish to order the offered services.


At Verde365, we respect your right to privacy and strive for the highest level of protection for your Personal and Business Data. Therefore, when providing our services through the website, online store, and reservation system, we operate in accordance with applicable laws (Personal Data Protection Act (ZVOP-1) and Electronic Communications Act (ZEKom-1)) and the General Data Protection Regulation (EU Regulation 2016/679). The collected data will be used exclusively for the provision of the services we offer. Verde365 respects the confidentiality of Personal and Business Data and the privacy of participants or users of the website, taking all necessary measures to protect them from any violations or abuses.

We commit not to, under any circumstances, disclose personal or other data to a third party or allow a third party access to the personal or other data of the participant or user, unless required by government authorities, if such obligation is determined by law, or for the purposes of proceedings before courts or other state bodies.

The purpose of this Privacy Statement is to inform you of the purposes for which your Personal and Business Data will be obtained, how they will be used, and what your rights are regarding the data we hold about you and how to exercise them.


The Data Controller is M projekti in inovacije d.o.o., Dimičeva ulica 16, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, VAT ID: SI76883655, reg. nr.: 3862798000, email:


A User is any person who visits the website, online store, or wishes to reserve a slot through the reservation system and uses it in any way. The use is available to an indefinite number of users who accept the service on the Terms and Conditions set forth herein. Users use all published content at their own risk.

The Controller will make an effort to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of all content, but does not take responsibility for it. By using the service, the user confirms that they have accepted the terms described below and agree with them.


Verde365 will collect, manage, process, and store the following user data for the purpose of providing the offered services:

- Name and surname;

- Company name or legal entity name (if the user is a legal entity);

- Tax number of the legal entity (if the user is a legal entity);

- Email address;

- Contact phone number;

- Purchase details (service selection), content, value, payment method;

- Number of participants.

Additionally, Verde365 will process all information collected and operated by the User, with a particular focus on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) data. This includes, but is not limited to, data related to the company's environmental impact, social responsibility initiatives, and governance practices.  

The Controller undertakes that these Personal and Business Data will be used exclusively for the purposes for which they were provided. If there is a need for further processing of your data for another purpose, we will contact you in advance and request your consent.


The user has the right to, at any time, request by email to or in writing to Verde365, Dimiceva ulica 16, 1000 Ljubljana, access to their Personal and Business Data, review, correction, limitation of processing, or deletion of their Personal and Business Data. The user can revoke consent for the processing of their Personal or Business Data at any time without affecting the legality of the data processing carried out based on the consent until its revocation.

If you believe that your rights or Personal data protection regulations are violated, you can complain to the relevant state authority: Information Commissioner of the Republic of Slovenia (Zaloška 59, 1000 Ljubljana, phone: 01 230 97 30, fax: 01 230 97 78, email:


Provided Personal and Business Data are stored and used only for as long as necessary to achieve the purpose of processing or within the statutory limitation periods for obligations that may arise from the processing of such Personal and Business Data. After the purpose of processing is fulfilled, the Data will be deleted, or access to them will be blocked.



The controller may, if necessary for the performance of certain tasks contributing to its services, authorize other companies and individuals. In such cases, the controller may disclose Personal or Business Data to carefully selected external processors who will conclude a Personal and Business Data processing agreement or an equivalent agreement or other binding document with the company. The external processors will receive or make such data available only to the extent required by the specific purpose. External processors may not use this data for any other purposes, meeting at least all standards for processing personal data as required by applicable law. External processors are contractually bound to the company to respect the confidentiality of your Personal and Business Data.  

Upon a reasoned request, the controller may also disclose Personal and Business Data to competent state authorities with a legal basis for such disclosure. The controller will, for example, respond to requests from courts, law enforcement agencies, and other state authorities, which may also include state authorities of another EU Member State.

The Controller will not transfer your Personal and Business Data to a third country or international organization.
Please be aware that this list is not exhaustive, and there may be additional instances where we are required to share information with other parties. This sharing will occur when justified by our legitimate interests, permitted by relevant laws, or necessary to fulfill legal obligations that we are bound by.


We reserve the right to adjust this Privacy Statement to actual conditions and legislation in the field of Personal and Business Data protection as needed. For this reason, we ask you to check the current version before providing any Personal and Business Data to be informed about any changes and additions. We will also inform you in advance of any changes that significantly affect the processing of your personal data in an appropriate manner (e.g., by notice on our website, by email).


Should you have additional inquiries regarding data protection or wish to exercise your data protection rights, please reach out to us at: